I grew up in a family where nothing came easy.
The Berlin wall just fell when I started school.
In Eastern Hungary people lost their job overnight.
Factories closed, missing their sole buyer, the USSR â˜.
My dear parents juggled shifts and multiple jobs, sometimes in awkward ways. Our house once overflowed with pumpkin seeds, stored in the hope of selling them for a profit later in the year. 🤔
This struggle taught me the forever lesson to
↳ be a hard-worker
↳ value (financial) independence
↳ find opportunities where others don't.
Fast forward to 17 years ago. I moved to Switzerland to start an exciting job in the energy industry. Five years into this, I became a mother.
In those days, young moms returning to full-time work were not the norm. A sentiment, often echoed by society.
↳ The school principal on my inquiry about after-school care 5x a week? Rolling 👀
Despite norms, I wanted to pursue a career.
And I wanted to be a mother, too.
But I knew exactly one young mom who returned to work full-time after having a child. One real person, from my environment - not from the magazines.
Still, I chose to go back to full-time work, supported fully by my husband. It was against what most people did, but it felt right for me, for us.
Was it worth?
↳ I wasn't appointed a Dame.
↳ Neither am I a Fortune500 CEO.
↳ I (we) juggle, with ups and downs.
But I wouldn't trade it for the world.
This decision led me to key so many new friendships, adventures, roles and promotions at work and outside, during my further education and professional clubs.
I am lucky to be called a friend and a mentor by many (ex-) colleagues. Some of them more senior to me.
My professional life isn't a series of jobs.
It's filled with the learnings and relationships,
that make me a full, and maybe a better person.
I am happy, that I can do it, being a leader and a mom.
This balance is a hard. But it's also rewarding.
I'm grateful to my family, friends and colleagues.
They keep on loving, supporting and inspiring me.
I wish I told them this more often. You all know, it's you, when reading this 😉
On my birthday, I raise my alc-free glass to all the brave guys and gals breaking norms for a better life.
And all the guys and gals supporting them on this.
I’m excited to keep breaking these norms myself. Here's to going for it! 🥂